Our Children’s Books

  • Tinker Sailor Book Amazon PEI

    Tinker & Sailor

    A Children’s Story about friendship, love and acceptance found between a gypsy moth butterfly and a sparrow on beautiful Prince Edward Island.

  • Worry Tree Book Amazon Children Worries Help Fairies

    The Worry Tree

    All children have worries, big and small. This is the story about the solution that Loulou and her mother come up with to fly her worries away.

  • Apple Children's Book Amazon Stars Story

    How Can An Apple Seed Reach The Sky?

    A children’s tale about how an apple seed manages to reach the sky.

Inspired by the joys, milestones, curiosity and sometimes the worries of a precocious little girl named Loulou …. came a few books for little ones. Even Tinker & Sailor was inspired by the way she looked at the world when she was a tot, and luckily, often still does.


The Robinsons - via Amazon.ca

5.0 out of 5 stars An age old love story that sings

Tinker & Sailor - Reviewed in Canada on April 19, 2023

Verified Purchase

“We have always known that short love stories can put a twinkle in one’s eyes and a spring in one’s step. That it is PEI that provides the setting for this tale only adds to its magic. Long may its lighthouses be surrounded by birdsong and butterflies.”

Tinker & Sailor

Marylin - Ontario

“My great-granddaughter liked your story so much! I thought you might like to see this..” (accompanied by pictures of Violet reading the book:)

5.0 out of 5 stars A storybook and delicious recipe. Magic!

How Can an Apple Seed Reach the Sky? - Reviewed in Canada on April 27, 2023

Verified Purchase

Loved the illustrations. In a world where so many of our young resort to screens, these short tales remind us of the joy and delight to be found in every day experiences. An apple a day may not just keep the doctor away, but may force little people to look skyward.

5.0 out of 5 stars A colourful and simple ‘How To’ relieve childhood angst

The Worry Tree - Reviewed in Canada on April 27, 2023

Verified Purchase

For those parents wishing to dispel their young children’s nighttime anxiety in a simple but meaningful creative combination of communication and collaboration. Not new perhaps, but still both timely and relevant.